The game is fully tested & guaranteed to work. It’s the cartridge / disc only unless otherwise specified. N64 Games may be reproductions or authentic copies. If you would like to know before purchasing, please contact our customer service.
Tony Hawk is back. Skate all-new global locations, including Paris, Tokyo, Los Angeles and Canada through 10 massive living levels unlike anything ever created in a skateboarding game. Skate as the legendary Tony Hawk or choose from a dream team of 12 top pro skaters, including old favorites like Lasek, Thomas, Muska, and Steamer, as well as new talent like Gilfberg, Caballero, Koston, and Mullen. Perform hundreds of tricks and combos with an intuitive and solid control scheme in a variety of incredibly realistic, obstacle-filled locations and intelligent traffic. Check out the expanded multiplayer modes and skate park editor for increased replayability. You may not be able to live like the legend, but at least now you can skate like him.
PRODUCT DETAILS Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater 3 – N64 Game
Platform:Nintendo 64
Region:NTSC (N. America)
———This game is fully cleaned, tested & working. Includes the Disc/Cartridge Only. May have some minor scratches/scuffs.This description was last updated on October 28th, 2020.
Game works wonderfully no scratches on the disc at all looks brand new still, and it got delivered pretty quick
I just wanted to say that this game is really cool. Especially when you can do the slow-mo mode with the cheat so you can get more points. I played this with my brother and I thought it was really cool. I thought the soundtrack was good, too. So if you want a game that can occupy your time when you have nothing to do, get this, now! If you don’t…you’ll regret it…
The Tony Hawk series is amazing. Each version that comes out, is better than the last. Well, its happened again. And unlike most sports game this year version has lots of new stuff added to it. (Like levels, charecters, an online mode, a game demo, etc.) Although there a few flaws in it, Which you may notice if your really into the sport.The graphics look prety good, for the most part. Although i did find some slow down in certain areas of the levels. Which makes the graphics look not as good in some part of the levels. Some of the bonus levels look really good.The gameplay is good. The levels are much bigger than the previous versions. All the usual features are there. Including an online mode. The skate park editor is larger and improved. The create a skater has more depth . For example you can customize there hair, glasses, socks, shoes,etc. Theres a revert move.The skaters crashing animations have improved. They look very simalar to a skating video and/or somone bailing, which i’ve seen. The secret level and charecters are awesome, but i can’t tell you what they are it will ruin the suprise. ( hint: think star wars.) There is lots of replay value.sound: The sound is good. I personally like the second ones sound out of the three, but thats just my preface.The bystanders actually talk.controlls: The controlls are good. There easy to learn and play as ussual. The revert move is hard to master.The bad1. Although the revert move is new and innovative. I don’t like it its hard.
With other reviewers saying that the game is overrated, they are completely wrong. And this game has a major feature that these reviewers seemed to have overlooked. THERE IS ONLINE MULTIPLAYER! It adds so much. You can play against anybody in 4 or 5 different modes.The graphics are great. The animations between tricks look a lot smoother than in the past two games.Another change in the game is the linking of tricks without use of an ollie. if you do a 50-50 grind you can then link it to a nosegrind or a tailgrind, then to a nose or tail bluntslide, crooked grind, or tailslide…all without doing an ollie. That adds a lot of realism to the games physics. Though the rest of the physics are quite unrealistic, it makes for a fun game.There is a lot of incentive to beat the game, unlike in the first two installments. I have beaten it 12 times so far with all goals and gold medals. Every time you do that, you get a video (created skaters and secret skaters open up videos of the Neversoft guys skating which are hilarious) and either a secret character, a level from THPS1, or a cheat mode (such as special meter always full)the secret characters are as follows: Darth Maul, Wolverine, Officer Dick, Private Carrera, Ollie the Bum, Kelly Slater(the surfer), and the Demoness.Overall, this game rocks. If it didn’t, do you really think id waste my time typing this?
WOW! I don’t see how anyone couldn’t give this game a five star rating. If you liked the first and the second istallments of Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater you’ll love this one even more. This game continues with the skate park editor, but, believe it or not, it has even more things to put in the park than before. There is an outstanding create-a-player mode in that game. This time you can change the rider’s sex, acessories, and there are even more clothes and funny things to have the person wear than in THPS2. Also the levels are gigantic! Now there is one main part of the level, and one cool part of the level that has many things to do tricks off of. The graphics are amazing on both the characters and the highly detailed enviroments. The objectives you have to do are harder than before, and some require thought on how to achieve it. Except in the case where this moron has his tongue stuck to a pole, and all you have to do is crash into him to achieve that objective. When you do get the harder objectives a funny thing always happens that makes your hard work quite rewarding. This game is one game that I highly reccomend.
After enduring many mediocre games for the PlayStation 2, I came across a few glowing reviews of Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater 3. Despite all of the compliments on the game, I had my doubts. The game came out in 2001, so would it be dated? I went ahead and bought myself a copy anyway. I did not make a bad choice. The graphics are great, the gameplay is incredible. Sure, THPS3 might not have the enormous levels of THUG, but there are still tons of things to do in every level. Though the game is very easy to beat, the replayability is amazing. Each time you beat the game, a new secret is unlocked. From skating as Darth Maul to playing classic levels from THPS1, the secrets are always fun and surprising. Featuring many different pro skaters, the variety never gets old. A perfect score from me, and may you have many fun-filled hours playing this game.
This game is simply the best game out on the PS2! The gameplay is similair to THPS and THPS2, but you won’t get tired of it. The graphics are amazing, and the levels are huge. Here is a quick run through of the levels:1st level: Foundry – A nice level! Plenty of rails to grind on. Actually, probably one of the best levels to grind. Some of the level goals(besides getting SKATE and high or pro scores, which are in all the levels), include sinking one of the workers in a giant pool, and grinding on a molten lava bucket.2nd level: Canada – A nice, wide open level. You start off in the parking lot, with some nice rails to grind and speed bumps to hop. Next to that is the skatepark, where one of the goals is to impress 5 of the Canadian skaters. If you don’t, they say "Show me somathin, eh?" Its pretty funny. If you go beyond the skatepark you will find yourself in the woods, where you must bury a bully by jumping in the tree above him to knock all the snow down pn top of him. There are also TONS of pipes to bust out tricks and logs to grind.3rd Level: Rio – The 1st competition level. Again, wide open, but not a level that is unique to the game such as Tokyo, LA, and Canada.4th level: Suburbia – My favorite! Your in a neighborhood. Actually, your at the dead end of a neighborhood. There are trailers with some cruddy looking ramps around them, but you can get soem nice air on them. Next to the trailers are more nicer houses, where you can let it rip in some guys empty swi.
Ok, I would like to say that the game starts off really fun, and exciting, but at the end it starts to get lame as yo gain stat points. You will eventually have a fully upgraded character and will be able to do tricks so impossible, it takes the fun out of the game! I think there should be a Tony Hawk Am Skater, where gravity is actually in play, and you have to learn your tricks.
A Racing game for Playsttion 2.And what a racing game!!We all love and remember the Gran Turismo games that were so successful on the Playstation. Well it’s back and better than ever on the PS2. Terrifick gameplay and eye watering phsysicall effects that’ll leave you trying to figure out where this game has been all youre life. The cars have been copied (and some redesigned) so perfectly that when you see the intro, you’ll think it’s just a buffered hand drawed movie. And when you finally realize how very wrong you are, it’ll send chilles down youre spine! It is simply the best out there when it comes to on-road driving. The rally is there but soon some rally games are coming to PS2, so don’t buy this game for the rally mode. The crashing in GT3 is a bit dissapointing. You just sort’a slow down and jitter a bit, but it’s a minor faullt. The music is so very good and you never get sick of hearing Feeder’s Seven days in the sun. Lots of cars to win and buy -infact approx. 150- and a whole bunch of cups, modes and hidden extras. The handeling is smooth and fantastick, the rally is bumpy and actionpacked (thank’s to the dualshock2) and the endurance races are, well, enduring. And this game last longer than than most other games on the Playstation2 if you want to unlock everything. What more could you ask fore, huh?Do your self a favoure. Buy GT3.+ the music never gets on your nerves and is rocking all the way+ all the modes and races will have you occupied for life+ the incredibl.
I first picked up this game more than a year ago when I bought my Playstation 2. I had previously played Tony Hawk 2 (but not the first one) and absolutely loved it. Tony Hawk 3 was somewhat easier since I had already developed a lot of my skills on the previous game. Even though playing the game was easier than my first time playing the series, the developers had upped the challenge by making goals with higher point requirements and goals that are more difficult to complete. The addition of the Revert trick allowed for higher scores since we could now link vert tricks to grinds and back to vert.One problem: While I had a blast playing through the game, after I completely mastered the game with one character, mastering the game with every character was far too easy. The game was still fun to play, but there was no challenge. When I finally mastered the game with every character (including the bonus characters) there was no reason to keep playing the game and when I went back to play some more, I found that the game had no replay value beyond mastering every character. I was just going through the motions and not really enjoying it any more.My final thought is that Tony Hawk 3 is an excellent game and a lot of fun. However, when you reach the point where there is nothing left to do except create your own character, the funs pretty quickly. But, for [money] the game is worth it (it was also worth it when I bought the game full price)