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Retro Love Story: It’s You, Them, and the Perfect Gift!

Cancellation Policy

 All orders are automatically processed on our secure merchant processor and sent for shipment at our warehouse as soon as they are placed. During this process we incur irreversible costs. Therefore, while we understand that orders might need to be changed sometimes, we are unable to do it after a certain point. Please note, sometimes orders begin processing as soon as a few hours from purchase and we cannot guarantee cancellation. If your cancellation is requested and responded to by customer service prior to shipment, we will be able to cancel it. You should consider orders to be final upon placing and any modification / cancellation is not guaranteed.

If you cancel your order AFTER it has been shipped, please reference our Return Policy. The cancellation will have to be treated as a Return with all applicable fees. 

Orders which are REFUSED AT DELIVERY will be treated as returns.

Occasionally, we may need to cancel orders for a variety of reasons including: inventory shortages, pricing errors or suspicions of fraud. In these cases, you will be automatically issued a full refund to your original payment. In the event of a fraudulent order, you will be barred from reordering until you have completed our fraud verification steps. With inventory shortages, we will notify you upon receipt of new inventory and will be able to keep the order open.

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