The game is fully tested & guaranteed to work. It’s the cartridge / disc only unless otherwise specified.
Dracula has awakened from his 100-year slumber and kidnapped Christopher Belmont’s son. There are four castles to explore as you take the role of Christopher and try to save your son in four different castles: Crystal, Cloud, Plant, and Rock, which can be completed in any order before going on to the final stages. Fortunately, you possess weapons like armor piercing Battle Axes, beast burning Holy Water, and the Legendary Mystic Whip. And you can increase your arsenal with power up items like Crystal Balls, Hearts, and Candles. Strap on your shield and step into the shadows. That is, if you’re prepared for the dwellers of darkness.
Genre:Action & Adventure
Platform:Game Boy
Region:Region Free
———This game is fully cleaned, tested & working. Includes the Disc/Cartridge Only. May have some minor scratches/scuffs.This description was last updated on October 28th, 2020.
one of the three castlevania from Nintendo DS. An amazing history with Shanoa. Now playing in my 3DS. The game have a manual <3
As you may have read in other reviews, this game is hard. More specifically, it CAN be hard. Most enemy encounters are simple, some are easy once you know what to do, and with others you hope for the best. The platforming aspect offers some challenge as well, but it doesn’t take too long to get a good grasp one what you need to do and how to use a certain magnet-like glyph effectively.In regards to the boss battles, they are quite varied. You may die once or twice, but in doing so you will learn how to dodge certain attacks, which glyphs are best, and potentially how to get through a fight without taking any damage. The only boss battle I had some difficulty with is relatively early in the game and requires some mastery of platforming. The real challenge was that that boss, along with a much simpler one later in the game, isn’t meant to be defeated with glyphs. Other than that, you just need to learn how to dodge and use some common sense (a rapier won’t do as well as a hammer against a giant skeleton for example). One minor complaint I have is that some bosses have a huge build up to the fight, and they crumple like they were made of styrofoam while the relatively unexpected bosses (they are marked by blue doors, so you expect something…) were a huge pain and some of the most difficult.The graphics are lovely, nobody can deny that. Each environment has a bit of a personal touch to set it apart from the others. The enemies are very detailed as well. Some, such as bats, blen.
This is diffidently the case of 3rd times the charm for being the last game on the DSi would say its the darkest most challenging ( Lvl 1 handicap on hard if you dare ) of the 3 castlevania games on the DSalso the main heroine shanoa is one of the most beautiful characters and a fine edition in castlevania ( Gotta love her hair )now what i like in this game the most is how its probably the most Gothic oriented style of art and game design ( in my opinion ) and mostly the music in the game as my favorite is probably the skeleton cave level ( chills my spine )as for gameplay its in metroidvania style as we like to say it , but comparing to DoS & PoR its quite more challenging to begin with as the glyph system makes this game its own feel , needs time to get into at start till you get better on it with also enhancing them with more usagesure the levels are not as in the first 2 games but if you want get stronger , finding all items , secrets etc … you’ll be doing more backtracking than normal to achieve alot of stuff in the game , as well as good side quests to boot .what i also like as its a challenging game like the old castlevania in the aspect of where timing is your best friend in many situationsthis deserves to be in 3ds shop as a classic if Nintendo ever gonna implement it , glad that im playing it for the second time nowan amazing handheld game from Konami & we need more of this out of castlevania .
“Castlevania Order of Ecclesia” is one of the highlights of an outstanding series from Konami, dating back to the late 1980s. The graphics are beautiful(check out the underwater levels), sound very good, gameplay responsive, length impressive, and storyline interesting. If there is a downside, it’s that the game is very tough at times–definitely harder than the terrific previous DS offering, “Portrait of Ruin”. Some enemies take a long time to kill here. However, with patience and practice–the game is very playable. So although very challenging, it is not impossible. Like Portrait’s clever use of dual characters, Ecclesia also has somthing new to offer. In this case, the glyph magic system. Glyphs are a great combination of spells/weapons and and your character, Shanoa, can equip 3 at once. They are fun to experiment with and produce some nifty effects. Practice absorbing them, as that can take some time to do correctly. Glyphs are a definite improvemnt over Konami’s previous card system used in Circle of the Moon. To sum up, it’s just very fun to play and look at with a definite challenge thrown in. You can’t go wrong with any 3 of the DS Castlevania entries (or the 3 GBA games) and Order of Ecclesia is top notch!
This will be quick…Love Castlevania? Buy this game! It’s not as expansive as it’s console brethren but, it’s a great game…One Warning though It is quite the challenge…Great art style, Music is alright,(SOTN spoiled me back in the day.)Gameplay is Castlevania with a few twists.If your a Fan,you will find satisfaction with the latest iteration of this “undying” saga.
“Order of Ecclesia†must have hit me at just the right time. According to the in-game clock, I put roughly 25 hrs into this game, with another 5 or so unrecorded as I attempted some of the harder bosses over and over. I have played most of the famously-named “Metroidvania†games in the series, but this one grabbed me more than the others. One difference with “Order of Ecclesia†is that there is a map from which you choose various locations to go to (somewhat similar to “Portrait of Ruin†but not quite). Each location is like a miniature environment you’d explore in other games, but here they have a geographic theme (caverns, mountains, forests, etc.), and there is eventually a surprisingly large Dracula castle near the end of the game. I like the progression of difficulty from one new location to the next. I like how distinct they all feel and how easy traveling between them is. There’s a town you go to early on that acts as a hub for collecting lost villagers hidden throughout the game. The villagers all have something they want you to do and offer numerous quests in return for useful rewards. This has you going back to previous locations, not just to level up or to get that unique drop from a particular enemy, but to also complete a villager’s task, like taking a picture of a yeti before it flees off-screen. I also like the emphasis on magic attacks over typical sword and whip. Every attack no matter what it is drains stamina, so magic can be used just as frequently as anyt.
This game doesn’t feel entirely of Castlevania, but its taking its steps back from the anime styles the previous DS titles have done. The combat system is great and the game has some challenges to it. Be prepared to die, but enjoy the fact that your victory is not handed to you and that you worked for it. The story is So-So but once you reach the second half of the game does it really feel like castlevania. I recommend it to those who are fans of the castlvania franchise.
This is the best Castlevania since Aria Of Sorrow. It’s not nearly as hard as people are making it out to be but if this is the case for you there is a room in the Skeleton Caves with a ton of skeletons that charge you and by hacking them for an hour you can increase ten levels and from there on out the game is pretty easy.It is probably the most diverse Castlevania. It has various areas outside of the usual castle like Portrait Of Ruin but it also has a good sized castle as well as a town. I hope they continue with that theme and add more town in future releases.The only annoying thing about the game is having several weapons that are nearly identical – except that one hurts one kind of enemy and the other doesn’t. That system doesn’t make the game for fun and simply adds an element of work. The side missions offered by the towns people are tedious and retarded, fortunately you can ignore them.I would recommend this game to fans of the series.
Konami took even more risks with this than they did with the previous DS Castlevania (Portrait of Ruin). This game is at it’s core much the same as any other recent 2D Castlevania title, and if you enjoyed them you will surely enjoy this game, but it makes enough changes that it might throw you for a few loops if you arent prepared.First off, the new protagonist Shanoa, is indeed a female lead who is an enigma wrapped in a mystery. She breaks many series conventions, such as requiring MP for ANY type of attack due to her Glyph combat system, and thus being helpless when her MP is depleted. In this game MP regenerates at an astounding rate, but the MP regen is halted during and briefly after attacking, requiring you to attack in short bursts. Safe and easy weapons like projectiles are generally less damage to MP efficient than melee weapons are, such tradeoffs can be found throughout the combat system. Additionally, Shanoa is able to transform into a few select enemies (such as a cat with the Glyph Arma Felis) which alters the control scheme and opens up interesting strategic possibilities. She’s also the first Castlevania protagonist in a long time to never unlock a “super jump” type move late in the game, but gains access to actual wing-based flight instead, as well as some other creative magnetism movement abilities and walking through walls. Even her world is different, with an actual world map and numerous one-shot type short platforming levels to traverse. Many t.
I love this game, probably the best Castlevania game I’ve ever played.This game deserved more recognition than what it originally received.