The game is fully tested & guaranteed to work. It’s the cartridge / disc only unless otherwise specified. here
Warhammer 40000 Fire Warrior Sony Playstation 2 Game
Platform:Playstation 2
Region:NTSC (N. America)
———This game is fully cleaned, tested & working. Includes the Disc/Cartridge Only. May have some minor scratches/scuffs.This description was last updated on October 28th, 2020. here
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Putting occasional and minimal strength language and “after effects” in defeating an enemy, I personally hold this game higher than those who have found the Halo series their home. With an excellent story, horrific plot twists and bosses that would make a space marine cry, this game truely gives a more hands on experience of what Warhammer 40k could really offer someone. I recommend this game to anyone who calls warhammer cool, because this is just plain awesome!
This game is excellent, the graphics have really stood the test of time, and it is always fun to play in the Warhammer 40000 universe, even if it isnt as a Space Marine!
‘ello fellow gamers. If your looking for a difficult, bloody, and not to mention extremely dark, this game is for you. Although the title says that it is second to HALO(Xbox) it kind of is the "HALO" for PS2. Unfortuanty (probably spelled it wrong) the only drawback is that the multiplayer is **** and controls take a while to get. I nailed them after the first mision. Quick to learn and so much better for me not to kill the Japanese in Medal of Honor, Rising Sun (I hate that game).I thought that this is much less confusing then the board game. I love that game too and painting the models. It seems kinda creepy in the GW magazine how Kuju (maker of the game) said you should have a light on when you play this game. Well duh! It’s not that scarey. And thank god you can use swords and you wont make people lose their heads literaly!The weapons are really cool but some of them lack ammunition and some lack power. Those that lack power have lots o ammo and those with ammunition are pretty powerful or lose ammo fast but most of them reload pretty fast. The scenery is beyond cool (if you can see it of course) but the game moves so fast you don’t to see much.If the Sergeants get you mad in the begginning, then space marines will really anoy you!
THIS GAME ROCKS!!! (pun)Of course a lot of gamers belch out that one for the lamest games around. But in this case I find it to be right on the money.First let me say that I hate DARK games..Let me see doggone it! And Warhammer 40K is about the darkest game I’ve come across, It still rocks. Thank the gods for the nightvision option, I do wish it lasted a little longer.I love the original 40K book/board game, but putting that aside, this game still rocks. The 40K theme is just an added bonus. It did take me by surprise that I would be fighting against the Imperium though, but what the hay Space Marines have to die too.As far as the controls, like the above/below review mentioned, it’s just like 4 or 5 other games. Left view, right move, it even lets you set the movement/sight ratio to let your controller’s sensitivity move you along faster or slower. L1 fire, SQ change weapons, I had it down after the first level. Which you have to or you DIE, over and over.Graphics are great, yes it is a little dark, but when you can see I find the scenery more than adequate, if you HAVE the time to look around. Because, this is a very fast pace game, if you stand in one spot for more than a minute you’ll be attacked.Weapons, weapons, who’s got the weapons? I/you are always on the look out for the biggest and badest guns. Some shoot fast but aren’t powerful, some are powerful but don’t hold many bullets or refills are hard to come by. I found it best to have a Tau weapon for power and carry a.
This is 1 of 3 games so far I ordered from this vendor.All are really great condition!I’m a happy customer because of that.
I love Warhammer and have been collecting an army for 4 years, so when this came out I knew I had to buy it. The combat is pretty cool, and there is a lot of shooting and grenade throwing. I have to admit the AI isn’t all that smart, but they make up for it with LOTS of soldiers. You have a few allies sometimes, but they usually die within a few minutes and I always like having a few guys tag along with me. The graphics are kind of blotchy, something you would expect from a playstation 1 or an N64. I think if Americans had made this they could have made it a good bit better. It’s still a good game and I would recomend it to anyone who wants a fun, cheap FPS.
An awesome underrated fps.
As advertised: Complete with minimal scratches on the disc itself. Excellent transaction!
good game
First of all, ignore every other review you read here at venerable ol’ retrolio.comEven if they had a good point, it was lost by the use of 8 year old grammar.THIS game may be the saving FPS for PS2, and while not getting the commercial support, from a technical standpoint may be the only thing Sony has against the Halo Juggernaught. With so many once loyal MoH fans turning their backs on Rising Sun (im not sure why) PS2 needs a hit. FPS are entering a new era, spearheaded by Halo and hopefully DOOM3, unfortunately, both are for XBox (fine for me, ive got both ps2 and the x)leaving PS2 a tad High And Dry.Enter Games Workshop and their remarkably gritty British gaming world of Warhammer 40,000. While merry ol’ England may not at first seem to be the source for grit, as compared to our own oliver stone and quentin tarantino culture, their form of grit is one born of apathy. Look at so many examples of their darker exploits, like Judge Dredd and Death’s Head. Very Dark properties indeed.So how does WH40K jump onto that bandwagon? By dooming us all. In the FAR FAR future (40,000 is the YEAR) we are a species consumed with warfare. An archaic symbol of a once proud Emperor now sits immortally on his Golden Throne, kept alive through unnatural technical means, while mankind breeds enormous super soldiers capable of spitting acid, crushing a mans skull with a few fingers, and wear huge explosion proof armour suits. Vicious Aliens, including Eldar (think space elves, but more.