The game is fully tested & guaranteed to work. It’s the cartridge / disc only unless otherwise specified.
Tomba Sony Playstation Game here
Genre:Action & Adventure
Platform:Playstation 1
Region:NTSC (N. America)
———This game is fully cleaned, tested & working. Includes the Disc/Cartridge Only. May have some minor scratches/scuffs.This description was last updated on October 28th, 2020. here
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This is a great 2D game from the era when 2D ames were not huge. Symphony Of The Night hit it big, but Tomba was a different tyoe if game. Itwas kind of open world, with all sorts of branching paths. A great game for it’s time. Tomba!
Tomba! is one beautiful platformer. I first played it a really long time ago on a demo disc. I knew I had to get the full game as the demo offered a lot to do and it made you want to do more. Fitting for any age and/or any gamer (or non-gamer), Tomba! is original, fun and addictive. I got 7 more Playstation classics to get, one of them being the sequel to this game (Tomba! 2). I feel that it’s never too late to aquire (a) timeless (PS) gem(s).
I’ve been looking for this game everywhere in my hometown and no one had it. Now I have it and I’m happy. :)
It works great on my PS3 so far. Came as advertised. Delivery was quick.
Before you pay five thousand dollars for Tomba,This Game is now available on the PlayStation Network for the PS3 for only $10 USD.
I received it fast. I have loved this game since I was little. This game can be really difficult though cause you get so many challenges at one time, it get’s hard to keep track of them all.
what do you get when you get the best aspects of RPGs, Platformers, and adventure games? you get Tomba, an open ended masterpiece. its filled with dozens of unique areas to explore and creatures to deal with. Packed with 130 quests, you’ll be busy for hours, and they arent all necessary to finish the main game, many side quests and activities to keep you busy long after finishing the main story line.Basically you play a wild cave-boy with pink hair, and you’re trying to stop the evil pigs and their plot. yeah. pretty random = ].. theres tons of lore and backstory behind the world you explore, but in many cases you need to discover that for yourself, by talking to various friendly characters in towns and other areas you learn about them and pick up a quest or two along the way, this is where the open ended adventure comes in, the entire game world is streamlined and fully explorable, with only a short load time between certain areas, and more areas become available are you finish the quests. you can upgrade your health multiple times throughout the game, and you find new abilities and weapons very crisp, detailed, and colorful as a 32-bit platformer could be, Tomba looks and plays great for its time, its pure fun. this is the Mario of the 32-bit era. and thats saying a lot. a classic in the strongest sense of the word. its a shame how much you have to pay for a copy of this fantastic game anymore, but its worth every penny. 5/5
In 1922, we isolated insulin from pigs and used it to treat blood sugar disorders. 75 years later, they stole our crystals for their nefarious schemes.Make them pay.
Tomba was one of my favorite games growing up. And probably the only game I ever beat 100%. If you like games like super adventure island II, you will love this.
Have been looking for this vintage game at a reasonable price! Yay! My boyfriend is crazy excited to play!!!