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Why Game Boy Micro Failed?

Many reasons led to the Game Boy Micro’s failure despite it being the best-looking Game Boy. Ever wondered what are they? This is exactly why we’ve come up with this article. In this guide, we’ll discuss: What is the Game Boy Micro? How long did it last? Reasons for its failure FAQs on why Game […]


Can Game Boy Games Be Played On Nintendo DS?

Many people want to play GB games on DS due to the entertainment they provide and the memories they hold. But is there a way to make it happen? Let’s find out. In this guide, we will see: Can you play Game Boy games on DS? Do Game Boy Color games work on DS? games […]

Where To Buy Nintendo GameCube?

Where To Buy Nintendo GameCube?

Nintendo always seems to deliver the best and most unique style of gaming products. And if we talk about the Gamecube console, it’s no exception. This console is portable and has many popular game titles like Zelda Wind Waker, Super Smash Bros. Melee, and even more on their small discs. So, let’s look into our […]

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