The game is fully tested & guaranteed to work. It’s the cartridge / disc only unless otherwise specified.
Stranglehold Xbox 360 Game
Genre:Action & Adventure
Platform:Microsoft Xbox 360
Region:NTSC (N. America)
———This game is fully cleaned, tested & working. Includes the Disc/Cartridge Only. May have some minor scratches/scuffs.This description was last updated on October 28th, 2020.
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Wow.I had just finished playing WET and was in the mood for more of the action/bullet time/acrobatic type of thing. A friend recommended this game to me, and I was somewhat surprised. I recalled the game but also recall some so-so reviews. But it was only $, so I figured I couldn’t go wrong.I was soooo surprised!!! It takes a bit to get used to the controls, but they are totally manageable once you get in the groove.The action is way over the top and enjoyable; the destructible environments are an added plus, esp since some of the set pieces are downright beautiful graphic-wise. The casino/penthouse levels esp. stand out. The barrage feature is great, basically a feature that allows you to blow the living crap out of everything you see. From the parking garage shoot-out to the helicopter-shooting-at-the-boats sequence, this is one game that def. keeps the pulse racing. The bullet time is fun, and the different stunts you can perform while blowing stuff to hell are a nice addition.The voice acting is pretty amazing(Mr. Fat is just great…..’You talk, I’ll smoke….), not to mention the SOUND! Turn this one UP!!!To me, this game is very underrated. It is like playing a John Woo movie pretty much; Very cool story w/some surprises, and a game with a HUGE amount of replay value. I can’t even begin to tell you how many times I have thrown this in and just gone to town. Arcade like in some ways, but if you like games like Max Payne, Total Overdose, and WET, you can’t go wro.
Its still a fun game in spurts. If you play this game for 30 minutes each session then you will enjoy the the game. You cannot play this game for long periods because it will just get boring & feel extremely repetitive.Its simiar to Max Payne with the gunplay but adds in style as key feature. Not a bad game at all but you MUST not spend to much time playing
I went into this game expecting a no nonsense, fast paced, action packed, arcade like 3rd person shooter…. and it was everything I expected. Midway and John Woo do not pretend or attempt to make this game anything else. The game in a nutshell has 7 levels (about an hour each for skilled gamers) filled with hordes of enemies, countless ammo at your disposal, and tequila time (bullet time) mixed in. At times you can also kill enemies using the enviornment (explosive canisters and overhead signs mostly. The sniper mode, barrage mode and spinning mode upgrades come in handy when the enemies get overwhealming (and they do at times). In an era where games are becomming more complex (I like these games too), sometimes its nice to play an adreneline filled game where its not required to think much. The games only down fall is that its over within 7-10 hours, however I plan on keeping this game on my shelf for when I just want to blow things up. If the short game play bothers you… rent it… its worth at least 7 hours of your time.
Product was early, the game play is great, and in good condition when it arrived. I am very happy with this product.
I discovered the films THE KILLER and HARD BOILED back in ’93 and always admired the hypnotic gunplay and the charisma of Chow Yun Fat as he dispatched hordes of neverending thugs.This title is the game equivelent of those movies and then some ! It’s like a dream come true !Can’t wait for a sequel !
This game is so over the top and fun get this it’s great it’s kind of cheap if you shooters or john woo movies or over the top games get this DUDE!!!!!!!
It is a brand new. Recommended.
Pretty good as far as slo motion shooting goes, it does get a bit repetitive but worth the very cheap asking price.
You can see Stranglehold from two different perspectives. You can see it as a repetitive shooter that pits you against waves after waves of (cheap) enemies that suddenly appear from nowhere. Or, you can see it as a great homage to one of the great action movies of all-time, Hard Boiled. I choose the latter, and it was no wonder I had so much fun with it.The story isn’t important, since intense action featuring Chow Yun-Fat as Inspector Tequila is the order here. But if you must know, it involves some dead cop and the kidnapping of Tequila’s ex-girlfriend and daughter. Reason enough for a massive surge of killing? You bet.Playing through seven levels, you get to control Tequila and his array of skills (most have to be unlocked). Apart from the usual third-person shooting, you’ll get abilities like the precision aim, which allows a first-person view, zoomed in, for a free-aim at whichever part of an enemy’s body you see fit. Shooting at balls is highly recommended if you’re sadistic. Like me.Other skills like the barrage allows a moment of mad, unstoppable shooting and invulnerability. But the most dramatic skills of them is, you guess, the spin attack. Much like the 1,001 movies that Chow has made, this attack involves the guy turning 360 degrees while shooting two guns at various enemies surrounding him. Doves are complimentary. I guess the doves must be there to moan the death of all those goons that dare stay within your vicinity when you does this thing.Using these skills.