The game is fully tested & guaranteed to work. It’s the cartridge / disc only unless otherwise specified.
In Ratchet and Clank, an evil race of aliens has used up the resources of their home planet. Now these evil beings are crisscrossing the galaxy stealing the best parts of other planets for their own use. You guide a dynamic duo known as Ratchet and Clank against these interstellar thieves. Ratchet, a space mechanic, and his robot friend, Clank, move from planet to planet using space-age gadgets, spaceships and robots in a quest to rid the galaxy of the Blarg. As you progress from one alien planet to the next, you’ll find or purchase over 36 weapons and gadgets, including a wrench, bomb glove, grappling hook, cannon, machine gun, and rocket launcher.
Platform:Playstation 2
Region:NTSC (N. America)
———This game is fully cleaned, tested & working. Includes the Disc/Cartridge Only. May have some minor scratches/scuffs.This description was last updated on October 28th, 2020.
Given the huge number of other reviews on this site already singing the praises of R&C, this one is probably a little redundant, but just to add my two cents anyway…* The production values in this game are simply the best I’ve ever seen in any PS2 game. The controls, the level design, the story, the progession, the graphics, the voice acting, the cutscenes and the animation are without equal. 11/10!* Even if you’ve never considered yourself a platformer fan, you owe it to yourself to check this one out. This game is really a giant leap forward from collect-a-thons like Jak and Daxter, with much more emphasis on combat and RPG-like acquisition of zany gadgets and weapons to aid you in this goal.* Best of all: the game has fantastic HUMOR that will appeal to adults and kids alike.* The only problem with this game is that eventually you have to finish it… Although even then there’s sufficient depth to merit a second play through (something I’ve never done with any other game). Roll on the sequel…
This game is great abosutley great! Although rachet and clank 2 is better this is just as good! This game has lots of weapons and 10 of them can be upgraded into gold weapons with fancy special abilities. Like the gold morp-o-ray turns enemys into giant explodeing chickens. This game really shouldnt have a T rateing its just the fact theres guns in it (theres no blood or other gross things) The characters voices are done good and the chracters are devolped good and the graphics are great. The sound is not messed up and when you shoot it makes the right sound and when you hit something it makes the right sound you dont just here some gun shoot from no where at all. The levels are detailed and will take a while to find every thing in. Theres well hidden gold bolts that arent to hard to find but sometimes difficult to get. The diffuclty of the game is good its challengeing but not ever to hard to get through. Its has little replay value except to go through it again to get all the skill points. You get to control more than rachet as well. You can control just clank, and the destructive giant clank! The giant clank is neat as you can destroy walls and giant enemys and shoot missles! All in all it has almost no flaws and s a must buy!
my sons favorite ps2 game.
Time to forget about the Turkey. Forget about the Football game.Thanksgiving was spent playing a rented Ratchet and Clank disc. From the get-go, the game was great. No naps after the turkey, back into the game….and played until sun down. There are not enough hours in the day to play this awesome game (played with a friend taking turns Friday and Saturday). It is by far the best platformer that I have played. Multiple levels, hidden objects, weapons galore (buy weapons with collected nuts and bolts at special “stores”). Shoot all kinds of stuff, even what I thought were space ships just for a cool look, shoot them for skill points.Flying via Clanks upgrade to a Helicopter pack. Use a weapon that sucks water out of a holding tank. Leave mines. Don’t forget the hidden gold bolts. Use them later to upgrade all of your weapons to more powerful ones. Can’t believe this game. Go out and get you some!!! I did. Put one in your cart now!!
Different worlds, different weapons, different enemies and all fun. This was the first game that was purchased for me after I got PS2 for Christmas.I am totally hooked on this game.For the most part the levels are fairly easy to get through.Ratchet, the fox I think, finds this little orphaned (by choice) robot and they roam the galaxy searching and trying to stop Drex (sp). Drex is going from planet to planet to find the perfect planet to call his own (or so we think). Ratchet goes to each level trying to find different weapons (some are not free) and different gadgets to help him along his way. To buy certain weapons and ammo, he must gather nuts and bolts. The two ways to gather this stuff is to destroy wooden crates found through out the planets or destroy enemies. Also your health can be restored by breaking the boxes that contain the glowing orbs of blue/white.At certain points Clank can get upgraded. First he starts out just as a robot stuck to Ratchet’s back. Then you can upgrade him (at a price) to a heli-pack, a jet pack or an aqua pack. On one planet Clank can turn into a giant.Some levels are not as easy to get through. It took me at least 20 tries to swim through a certain level. You can also collect gold bolts. These are used to purchased golden weapons.There are races, space fights and some big baddies to destroy.Overall this is a fun and exciting game to play.
Loved the game
Ratchet & Clank skillfully avoids most of the traps that hold back the majority of modern platform games and presents a fantastic, well-balanced, story-driven adventure.
Game worked great and got here quickly. But it came packaged in a cardboard/paper envelope, like it used to be a rental game. It would have been great to have the original case. Other than that, I’m very pleased.
The entire Ratchet & Clank series of video games is at the top of its class; I definitely recommend it to anyone who appreciates great gameplay and enjoyable storylines.
As a major Nintendo kid, I got access to ground breaking games such as "Pikmin" and "Super Smash Bros: Melee." However, this blessing did come an annoying cost: I did not get access to the Playstation 2 Action-Platformer family. In addition to "Jak and Daxter" and the "Sly Cooper" series, the humorous "Ratchet and Clank" franchise was very famous at the time. It is a blast-all, collect-all, laugh-at-all-the-jokes series that got it start with this game.Now that the context for the game has been explained, "Ratchet and Clank" is a story focused after-platformer, a cross between a funny for all ages cartoon and a satisfying trip to a shooting range. There is a chicken transformation gun! Robots throughout the game meet an explosive doom very often. Very fun!Since this is an early PS2 title, their may be a little learning curve to figure out how things controlled in those days, but after that it should be enjoyable to "run-and-jump" fans.