The game is fully tested & guaranteed to work. It’s the cartridge / disc only unless otherwise specified.
As Japanese forces seek to expand their dominion over the Pacific, you must use stealth, commando tactics, and sabotage to turn the tide in your favor. Play as Marine Corporal Joseph Griffin in a far-reaching tale of two brothers trying to prevent Japanese forces from dominating the Pacific. Rising Sun features real-life historical battles like Pearl Harbor and Guadalcanal, over 20 authentic WWII weapons, highly intelligent enemies, and a heroic cast of characters that fight on your side from level to level.
Platform:Playstation 2
Region:NTSC (N. America)
———This game is fully cleaned, tested & working. Includes the Disc/Cartridge Only. May have some minor scratches/scuffs.This description was last updated on October 28th, 2020.
MOH Rising Sun, like its predecessors, brings a level of historical realism to the gameplay. The hellish ordeal at Pearl Harbor is brought to life with stunning graphical display- planes descend upon sinking sheeps with speed and ferocity as you fight for your life. The fall of the Phillipines is also a challenge.Then you move to Gadalcanal, where you witness an even bigger level of realism. People have complaied about the way Guadalcanal is designed. saying that its too dark and hard to navigate. However, one must remember that the real-life Guadalcanal was the same. The landscape makes this mission difficult, but that’s not an error on the part of the game designers. That’s just realism.People also complain about the idot A.I. of the Japanese, while pretending that the German soliers in Frontline were geniuses. Come on, folks. Those Germans in MOH Frontline weren’t any smarter. Anyone remember clearing out the machine gun nest in Frontline? On the hard level, I just stuck my head through the door and picked off each German one by one, while their companions stood with their backs turned. And people say that the Japanese in Rising Sun are stupid?Then there is the criticism that MOH Rising Sun is Too short. Well, I can’t speak for everyone, but I have yet to finish the game on the hard skill level. Rising Sun seems short by comparison because the play is continuous- there are less stops than there are in Frontline.Frontline’s pattern was this:Get off the beach: STO.
Was as described
The game works well.
MOH:Frontline,the first game I got.I loved it.With 20 levels I thought the second was the same.Thanks alot EA for ruining the best WW2 franchise ever.And that one guy that said they looked alike and EA did it for money…I agree.I mean,I wanted my dad to buy this game but my dad WASTED,let me repeat that,WASTED $50 dollars on a game that not one out of ten people liked.But hey,I still play it,well sometimes.This game has 9 levels…9 levels and how many levels did MOH:Frontline have.Like the title says,What happend EA.
I think that this is a good addition to the MoH series. I bought frontline before it was even considered a greatest hit. I personally feel that it is about time that EA switched from euope to the pacific. I own frontline, Allied assault, and spearhead and after all that i grew tired of blowin up nazis, and was anxiously awaiting rising sun when i found out. I rented it and beat it in three days. I could not believe the effects they put in. They are jaw-dropping. The choice of weapons is good. The only problem i see is that whenever you grab hold of a mounted gun, a horde of enemies comes at you. this is one of the few unrealistic flaws that has carried over form frontline(if you dont know what i mean, do the Fal of the phillipines in Rising Sun and then do A Chance Meeting in Frontline and compare the enemies behavior. Rather short game, but the co-op feature will prove interesting. The addition of multiplayer makes rising sun well… rising sun! The multiplayer maps are outstanding. EA has out done itself and i anxiously await rising sun 2. it may be a short game, but the amount of extra objjectives and the multiplayer feature will keep you busy for a while.
When I saw the previews for MOH:Rising sun, I knew I must get it. The first chance I had I rented it and sat down with a friend. Wow. This was the first MOH to feature co-op mission play and I felt they’d outdone themselves with the detail. Although at times the killing seemed a tad senseless (aimlessly shooting hoards of planes in Pear Harbour, dozens of men appearing out of nowhere when you took control of a machine gun nest) but on the whole it was well planned out, and at times rather confusing! The underbrush through the jungles is realistically thick, and creates visual obstacles in finding enemy.As well, the Japanese, your foe, often hide in fox holes in the ground, camoflauged and pop up right when your over top or passed them – very accurate. As well, the Japanese characters charge at you with bayonettes as they would have in WW2, and it catches you offguard at the beginning. The music only adds incredibly to it, and almost makes is seem as if you are the lead role in a WW2 movie. Its no wonder Stephen Speilberg is in the credits.Overall, this is an extrememly well put together game, with weapon, character, map and battle details down to a T, and and incredible sense of realism, it give you awe and respect for those who were really there during the great war. We salute you.
I liked this one better than all of the previous ones. One, the fact that it’s got more action. Two, it’s got more in depth espionage and has you infiltrating deeper lines. Lastly, it’s more fact-based and features more real-life events such as the Bridge on the River Kwai (The inspiration for the famous movie) and the Midnight Raid On Guadalcanal (Which is based on a real event by the Marine Raiders of WWII) It’s a good thing also that it’s about the Marines this time because the fact is that many don’t know during WWII there was a detachment of 51 trained Paramarines who worked for the OSS and did drop missions into Europe in civilian clothes and sabotaged Nazi lines and strongholds. They also worked closely with the French Resistance groups training them and helping them beat back Nazi drives into their home territory but they are not widely recognized even by military historians. These men were a wide inspiration for the whole Medal Of Honor series. The only flaws about this game is aside from the fact that it only has 10 stages is that it doesn’t have the live motion graphics that Frontline had & it doesn’t stay blank throughout the main menu once you have a saved game like Frontline did. Other than that, it’s a real epic and aside from its computer counterpart, Pacific Assault, is the best game in the Medal Of Honor series to date. 5 stars out of 5!!
There is nothing more gutwrenching than seeing the Arizona jump up into the sky, and turn over onto its side and sink. There’s flak, guns blazing, and Zeros flying all over the place. They try to make you feel what it was like to be in the battle of Pearl Harbor. They add confusion, mixed emotions, etc.The multiplayer is quite fun. They’re up to 4 "real" players, and you can have up to, I believe 10-12 bots or so. I’d highly recommend this one to your list to buy.
I don’t like it. I bought this game to help justify buying the modem and headset for PS2. Didn’t work. There’ s only 2 modes of online play. Deathmatch and Team Deathmatch. Either way all you can do is run around shooting. You can respawn anywhere, usually right in front of or behind the enemy. Maybe the PC versions spoiled me, but without any objective match it gets dull fast. Also, the headset is a waste of time. It’s so scratchy that you can’t communicate effectively to work as a team.Offline play is ok. Worth renting; just wish I’d thought of that.
I must first say that the first medal of honor was one of my favorite games of all time so I was highly excited to hear about rising sun.The opening level is simply amazing which is true of the first medal of honor. The rest of the levels leave a lot to be desired. It is not that they arent good but there isnt much of a change from the first medal of honor except that you are fighting the japanese instead of the germans.By biggest problem with it is that it doesnt have as many levels as the first game and ends rather abruptly. Your kind of left with a "is that all feeling"Overall I thought it was a good game, but not worth the money when you can just rent it for 5 bucks for a week and that is all the time you will need.