Set in the realm of brutal Greek mythology, God of War III is a single-player game that allows players to take on the climatic role of the ex-Spartan warrior, Kratos, as he scales through the intimidating heights of Mt. Olympus and the dark depths of Hell to seek revenge on those who have betrayed him. Armed with double-chained blades, and an array of new weapons and magic for this iteration of the trilogy, Kratos must take on mythology?s darkest creatures while solving intricate puzzles throughout his merciless quest to destroy Olympus. Containing signature and addictive God of War gameplay — a combination of over-the-top action combat, exploration and puzzle-solving — along with an engrossing mythologically inspired storyline and a selection of new weapons and a new weapons system, it is a fitting conclusion to the much praised God of War franchise.
Product Details
Action & Adventure
Playstation 3
NTSC (N. America)
———This game is fully cleaned, tested & working. Includes the Disc/Cartridge Only. May have some minor scratches/scuffs.This description was last updated on October 28th, 2020.
Cumple con lo indicado y llego justo a tiempo
I really liked this game for the gore, blood, and action. I’d say I’m a fan of slasher games; for example I enjoyed Dante’s Inferno as well.Back in highschool, I think around 2009, a friend let me borrow this game. I got into it and liked it but I can’t even remember if I beat it or not. I can’t remember how it ended either.Six years later, I get rid of my Xbox 360 and bought a PS4; it was my birthday when I got it too. When buying the PS4, I’d hoped they’d remake God of War 3, and I’m glad they did so I can get a chance to finish it and play some more.The plot revolving around Greek mythology is interesting, and it’s hardcore to see Greek gods get brutally killed. My favorite kill of the game, which was my favorite since I played long ago, was when the Greek god Helios is killed. You, the character Kratos, which you play as, rips Helios’ head off; how excessively bloody.I was excited to get this on July 15th, the day after it came out; thanks retrolio!I’d recommend this to anyone who likes gore, action, and blood. Great game, artistic and beautiful special effects, brutal kills, weaponry of the gods, and don’t forget the blood. $39.99 isn’t a bad price either.
Nice game!
great game and also improve in graphics a lot in this edition
I had to open the plastic wrapping because I could hear the disc rattling around inside. :( I don’t see any damage to the disc though! Thank you!
The God of War series is one of the best of all time. Kratos is a badass. Kicking Olympian arse never seems to get old. The PS4 takes the best entry in the series (III) and revamps the graphics to make it look more beautiful than ever. I had played God of War III all the way through 3 times for PS3 (it’s that good). I’m on my first run through the PS4 version and I’m enjoying every second of it. Nothing has changed in terms of controls or gameplay – only the visuals have been made to look better. Totally worth $40 in my estimation.
KRATOS!!!!!!!! i love this mofo and God of War 3 is visually one of the most impressive games of the PS3 generation and when it made its way to PS4 i just had to replay it to tide me over till God of War 4 comes out
i have been waiting ever since this game came out when i was in High school and now it has a remastered i am more pumped and been enjoying the game as well, now one of my favorite games to play
What can I say about it? I have played the first and second part on my old ps2, I couldn’t buy a ps3 because of I was not working but when the ps4 arrives, was my first game. One of the best game ever since my point of view of course.
Came on time and still playing. Looks great on ps4. Great steal and better than standing in line or letgo(offerup)