The game is fully tested & guaranteed to work. It’s the cartridge / disc only unless otherwise specified.
X360 Dance Central 2 Xbox 360 Game
Platform:Microsoft Xbox 360
———This game is fully cleaned, tested & working. Includes the Disc/Cartridge Only. May have some minor scratches/scuffs.This description was last updated on October 28th, 2020.
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I love Dance Central 2. I can’t think of anything else (besides dancing itself) that I could do for hours and never get bored or tired. Dance Central I was a great game, but Dance Central II has improved on it in many ways. I love that you can dance with a friend.The game now has a Crew Challenge mode where you can progress through dancing with different dance crews, either solo or with a friend. When you earn enough stars, you can move onto the next crew. Or you can keep refining your technique to unlock the crew’s “street” outfits.There are already some great songs available for add-ons to expand your gameplay, but the game itself comes with some classic hits, ranging from disco through hip hop. Favorite songs from my era were The Humpty Dance and Baby Got Back.It costs about 5$ to convert all your songs for the original game, but if you had purchased songs for the original game, you can re-download them for free. At least, I was able to but it could be because I put this game on a new XBOX.I have a two year old who loves to watch me play and he even now does some of the dances – albeit not perfectly well.I can only offer one suggestion for Dance Central III. They should make it possible for users to record their own dance choreographies and challenge others, offering up their dances to the community. I suppose song licensing could be an issue, but they could offer a few songs for dances. I see so many possibilities for this technology, as a dancer. It wouldn’t ha.
This is great, like DC1. Music is much better than the new DC3. I love the story challege that makes you go through danced to move on. The new feature is dancing with a friend I find that you dance too close together. The only time I use that is with my 8 year old daughter and she is little and we are constantly hitting each other or I am scared I will hit her. If it was an adult we would be even closer. My room is huge so not sure why it places you so close and I can’t figure out how to fix it. Other than that I love it! the fitness section is great, the songs awesome. LOVE it!!!!
So, I’m a big guy getting smaller and fast. I already have my heart rate and blood pressure down to where (below actually)it should be but can’t seem to trim off the middle-aged middle-drift excess, until now. An hour or so of this amazingly intuitive and accessible fitness/dance/ridiculously fun game and the weight I’ve been wanting to trim is starting to melt away.This is one happy, dancin’ redneck. But no one and I mean no one besides the o’lady is gonna see the action as it takes place.
We have the first Dance Central and played it all the time, so naturally were very excited when Dance Central 2 came out. They managed to improve upon the game with the sequel. The best part is the simultaneous dance battles. While the first Dance Central was a great party game, it was unfortunate that only one person could ever be dancing at any given time. With Dance Central 2, however, it really keeps things going when two people can dance at the same time. My only complaint is that the sensor doesn’t seem to pick up your movement as well with two people, but I suppose that is to be expected. Overall, very, very fun game that gets people involved and is a pretty good workout to boot!
I hate exercise. I hate gyms. I’m not fond of video games – I hadn’t played one since my old Atari bit the dust 20 years ago.But I really like this game!I’m in my 50s – and if someone told me a year ago that I would be listening (and dancing) almost daily to Rap tunes, Lady Gaga, and many contemporary dance songs, I would have given them a really funny look.Funny how things turn out.I’ve never been much of a dancer (my wife would agree with that), and I don’t care, I don’t plan on hitting the clubs any time soon, if ever.All I know is that this game has got me doing a minimum of 30 minutes of fast activity a day, more if I can fit it in. I actually look forward to my dance/workout time.I’ve lost weight, I’ve had to buy some new clothes, and I feel great.Plus my wife gets the giggles watching the old, uncoordinated Caucasian (me) doing Hip-Hop. Laughter in a marriage is good.I ended up buying Dance Central 1 just to get all the songs to vary my workout – plus I’ve bought several online (Hey Harmonix, how about putting some more James Brown up there for us old guys?)Couple of things I’ve learned-The Kinnect seems to track better if I’m wearing light-colored clothes.- If your game area is carpeted (like mine) you might have trouble with some of the steps – steps that require a twisting motion on your body or legs. After a little trial and error I finally put down a couple of the plastic mats used to keep office chairs from wearing out the carpet. I also wear shoes that give me.
I bought this game along with my Xbox 4gb + kinect and frankly it is the only game I really use the Kinect with. Everything else like mass effect etc. for kinect have been half-baked, but dance central 2 definitely isn’t. It’s built around kinect and is genuinely fun to play with family and friends. This is the kind of game that you can break out with people who’ve never played or had an interest in video games. Half the fun is making a fool of yourself as you try to have a dance off with your friends/family and get active doing it too. Some of the workout-oriented mixes are great to get your hear-rate going and really add a lot of value to the purchase. I know there is a newer version out now, but if you’re on a budget you can’t go wrong with this one. It supports 2 players quite nicely too.
Dances are much more real-dance oriented than the latest Just Dance game I bought. My favorite part of this game, however, would have to be the easy to medium to hard differences. I assumed the easy was like Just Dance’s easy where it doesn’t dock points for not turning, jumping, etc. But it’s not like that at all. It makes the dance basic then ups the moves with each level. I love this system and wish more games had it. Unlike Dance Central 1 however, you do not have to unlock levels, which is great when you can’t do the easy one but can the hard one like a couple of my friends! Love this game and recommended for everyone!
I had the original Dance Central and it was probably my most played Kinect game. I was really excited to get the sequel and it didn’t disappoint. The harder songs are actually a lot harder. The moves are more complicated, but the game lets you slow the moves down and do them until you get them right. The voice support is also pretty cool. The songs aren’t too bad on this one either.My only complaint (and why I can’t give this 5 starts) is that they want 400 Microsoft Points to transfer songs from Dance Central to this game. Really? I already paid for the game/songs once. I shouldn’t have to pay for them again. I was really looking forward to having the old songs and new ones in this one game, but I’ll just keep them in the old game. This really shouldn’t cost money to import.
This game is amazing. The graphics are unbelievable. The coreography is “real”. Meaning, once you learn it, feel free to take it to the club.There are a lot of helpful tools in the new game. You can choose to play on easy, medium, or hard modes. These modes limit the variety of moves and difficulty of the moves depending on your selection. During the song selection, it not only lets you listen to a preview of the song, it also shows you a preview of the dance and the difficulty rating. Once you’re dancing, if you’re out of sycn on a move, your avatar’s limb will be outline in red to signal what you’re doing wrong. It’s so much easier to correct that way! There is also a “break it down” mode, where you can learn the dance step-by-step before performing it.Of course, there are a lot of things that are just fun. Like, choosing the character you want to represent you and the venue. The voice command is also a nice touch. As well as the avatar’s personalities.To me, this isn’t as good as a party game as Just Dance. Because the graphics, characters, and moves are so life-like,they can be a bit intimidating to those who don’t really dance. “Medium” and “Hard” modes are both challenging for a beginner…especially a beginner at a party who just wants to jump in and have fun. The game is too “serious” to really just jump up and go with the flow without feeling foolish and completely uncoordinated. And in a party environment, who wants to take time to practice with the “break it d.
I bought this game as a Christmas present. Everyone enjoyed themselves. I love how it showes a dance preview before you select the song. It helped us decide which song we wanted to dance on. This game is great fun for the whole family. It was a great way to work off those extra holiday calories. I have yet to try all of the features on this game but hope to. Yes I know I said I got it as a gift. Actually I got it for my son with the intent on using it myself. It everything I expected it to be. I love Xbox kinnect. I think they are way ahead of the other game consoles. Onces they get the game recognition as the others they will be number one.