Final Fantasy XV is an open world action role-playing game where players take control of main protagonist Noctis Lucis Caelum during his journey across the world of Eos. While accompanied by his three companions Gladiolus, Ignis and Prompto, Noctis is the only character directly controlled by the player: he can navigate through simple movement, jump over small obstacles, sprint for a limited time, and perform context-based actions such as taking cover behind objects. The world is a large connected landmass that can be explored on foot, or by using the party’s car “Regalia” or chocobos, recurring galliform birds in the Final Fantasy series. The game uses an action-based real-time battle system, dubbed the Active Cross Battle system. Instead of using a menu interface, the player selects commands directly mapped to buttons on the controller, such as “Attack”, “Defend”, “Magic”, and “Item”. Battles take place within the current environment rather than transitioning to a separate arena, and can range from open plains to enclosed building interiors.
Platform:Playstation 4
Region:NTSC (N. America)