The game is fully tested & guaranteed to work. It’s the cartridge / disc only unless otherwise specified.
Unsolved Crimes Nintendo DS Game
PRODUCT DETAILS Unsolved Crimes – DS Game
Genre:Action & Adventure
Platform:Nintendo DS
Region:Region Free
———This game is fully cleaned, tested & working. Includes the Disc/Cartridge Only. May have some minor scratches/scuffs.This description was last updated on October 28th, 2020.
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My wife played this game for hours.
Pretty fun game. My friends all borrowed it from me. This was a good purchase.
Excellent game
Very happy just cart, clean, booted up fine good price! 5 stars4 thumbs up
I love this product. Anyone who is interested in mysteries and solving crimes, Unsolved Crimes is for you. I enjoy getting lost in the cases. Because I am paralegal, I use this as a tool to help me to practice looking at discovery, identifying the various rules at it relates to the Federal Rule of Evidence. With that said,you now know that this is an outstanding product.
This is a game with much realism and practicality. Don’t expect to decipher mysterious symbolic clues, play puzzle or maze games or place boiled eggs on fake bird nests to solve your cases. Those actions belong to fantasy detective games. In “Unsolved Crimes” you play a real life rookie detective in the NY Homicide Division.Before hitting the crime scene you are given a training case, “Learning the Ropes”. Graffiti was found in the alley behind the police building and there are 4 suspects. A briefing of the case is presented, you check the evidence, review the suspects profiles and their testimonies. Then you head to the alley to find more clues.I almost did not get to play this game. At the alley, nothing I clicked had any relevance. The game was at a standstill until I decided to ignore the message, “There’s trash everywhere” in one of the trash piles and insist on taking one closer look after another into the trash. With my insistence I found an appointment book hiding under it. This item was the clue to later solving the case.After completing the training you are given the first homicide case. “Death in the Suburbs”. Howard Loman, a 42 year old car salesman was stabbed to death in his home. His wife found him dead in the living room when she returned home from grocery shopping. She called the police There are 3 suspects: his wife, a man who owed Loman money and a thug that was found sneaking around the neighborhood. As initial evidence you have the murd.
This game is like reading a crime novel were I get to be the detective. The crimes are a challenge to solve but if you find the clues and use a little creative deducing it can be done.
Do you like my crappy title pun there? Anyway, I’ve played a ton of point-and-click adventure games on DS, including the Phoenix Wright series, Broken Sword, Again, Jake Hunter, Hotel Dusk, Theresia, Time Hollow, Touch Detective, Trace Memory, etc. So, when I learned about this game (yet another point-and-click adventure game on DS), I just had to pick it up. It looks to be your standard detective themed adventure game, of which there are several on DS. Will Unsolved Crimes turn out to be a worthy addition to my collection? Let’s find out!Graphics (score 7/10): The graphics are decent. The art style during the cutscenes sort of resembles water colors. It’s not bad, but not spectacular. The actual in-game graphics are mostly character portraits and 3-dimensional environments. As for the environments, they look crisp and detailed enough to find everything you need to, whereas in some games there were items that were literally too small to be rendered in enough detail to actually be seen. Thankfully that’s not an issue here.Music (score 7/10): The music is sort of sparse here. There’s music when your being briefed in the office, and during a few other times (like during quizzes), but there’s largely silence at the actual crime scenes. The music that IS present has a sort of retro vibe to it (which is appropriate given the 1976 setting) and is quite nice. I’m rather picky when it comes to the use of silence in video games. I feel that dramatic silence can be used to.
If you like mystery you would like this game, you will not want to put it down. I find that it helps to keep the brain working. ( I am a senior citizen ) There are 13 cases to solve + driving and shoot outs. There is a lot of going back and forth from crime scene to evidence files and profiles. I was told to go home a few times I was not detective material the game ends and you start whatever case you were working on over again. I would recommend this game, try it you will like it.
One of the games that I play every year just because it’s so much fun! I wish they would make another!!!