Mistaken for a dark villainous hedgehog and kidnapped by a military squad, Sonic must escape his captors and discover who is responsible for his troubles! In the most thrilling Sonic Adventure ever created there are 6 playable characters, new moves to master, over 30 challenging stages and 3 different 2 player games – will you save the world or conquer it? Sonic Adventure 2 ups the ante of its predecessor with all-new puzzles and levels, and even faster action reminiscent of the early Genesis-era games. Knuckles and Tails are back, as are the Chao pets.
Genre:Action & Adventure
Platform:Sega Dreamcast
Region:NTSC (N. America)
This game was a classic! with the two playable stories hero and dark along with the final story this game makes for one of the best Dreamcast games! One of the great things about this game were aside from the story itself was the Kart Racing and Chao Garden, if you haven’t already, definitely check this game out its a pure classic!
The game is great. The control is good, the level design is great, the graphics and music look and sound incredible, it’s just a fun game. If you’re a Sonic fan, I definitely suggest giving it a shot. It’s not perfect, but it’s fun nonetheless
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Beautiful video game. Revolutionary Sega Dreamcast graphics. Great classic and a must-have for every Sonic The Hedgehog nerd, out there.
Well.. sure, they can have a childhood just fine without it, but I pity them. This is the best Sonic game anytime between 1991 to 2005.
An all time favorite game
This game has great sentimental value to me as the Dreamcast was my first console and I had just beaten Sonic Adventure 1 and my birthday present for my 10th birthday was this game, well after it was released, in 2005. I loved it so much but had to wait to finish it on the gamecube as the dreamcast disc stopped working. I remember how me and my friends waited so long for an Adventure 3 game just to sit through Sonic going through sooo much crap and being tossed into so many uninspired directions over the years. This is truly the game that maybe Sega should have ended Sonic’s career with. The epic yet fitting scope of the story in this game has never been matched in a Sonic game since in my opinion. For the time and on the Dreamcast, everything was done so well, from the graphics, to the music, and the gameplay. Though the game has recently come under fire for “not aging well”, in my view this criticism is largely due to a comparison to the expectations of current games without taking into account the game’s accomplishments and precedents like taking away the hub world from Sonic adventure, allowing players to play as Eggman and introducing Shadow and Rouge, and really pushing the Dreamcast graphically. Though there are many contemporary naysayers to SA2, I’d say get the Dreamcast version if possible, just to be impressed by what this game did with the hardware. The gamecube’s Adventure 2 Battle is great as well though I have yet to try the HD version on ps3 or 360.
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sonic adventure 2 is one of the best sonic games of all time,the sequel removes the adventure fields in favor of classic action reminsecnt of 2-d sonic games,you play as six characters sonic,tails,knuckles,shadow,rouge,eggman,you have three different play styles and they are fun,i like the stages too, it is one of the greatest games i ever played and one of the best 3-d sonic games of all time.
Disk would not read
Came with everything, and no scratches. Looked like it was bran new. Really happy with the quality of my product.