The game is fully tested & guaranteed to work. It’s the cartridge / disc only unless otherwise specified.
International Superstar Soccer Game Boy Game Cartridge Cleaned, Tested, and Guaranteed to Work!
Platform:Game Boy
Region:Region Free
———This game is fully cleaned, tested & working. Includes the Disc/Cartridge Only. May have some minor scratches/scuffs.This description was last updated on October 28th, 2020.
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This game is way better than all new fifa games that are out there for next gen consoles
The slide tackles and red cards and pk’s i love this game way ahead of it’s day.
This item is excellent, the price is just fine, the way to see it to any fan. and everything is perfect with it!! Glad with my buy
Game works fine and is how it was described
Thank youGod bless
When you consider the vintage of this game, it is really rather outstanding (It came out in 1997). The gameplay is better, and more realistic in many respects, than FIFA 98,99,00,01, or 02. The only thing the FIFA titles top this game in are graphics(all the FIFA titles), shooting(FIFA 02 and 02 World Cup only)and goalie movement and control (FIFA 02 and 02 World Cup only). The recent vintage Konami titles which have come out, largely in Europe and Asia, must be fabulous, bearing in mind the Company has had five years to improve on the ISS 98 game foundation. If something other than MLS Extra Time were to be marketed here in the US by Konami, I definitely would pick up a copy. If I were reviewing this game in 1997, it would have easily gotten a 5. Since it is 2002 after all, it now garners a solid 4. Not shabby, by any means!!
The original ISS was the game that set the standards for all to follow. Never before had we experienced such fluid gameplay that was unlike anything previously seen. With ISS 98, the impossible was achieved; it was improved. I will start with a point that needs to be addressed. Popularity does not mean that a game is good. In the case of FIFA, this is certainly true. No matter how many games are brought out for their franchise, EA STILL (despite next generation consoles)cannot even come close to this. ISS 98 beats them all hands down. FIFA is not as smooth, inventive or as stytlish and it shows. There is even talk of the playstation housing a superior version of ISS, i beg to differ. Not only are the game mechanics more finely tuned, but the visuals and sound have been improved. The ability to curve the ball is now perfect and the artificial intelligence of the players has been tweaked. What we have here is the best football simulation ever created on any platform. Do not go for inferior material, and do not be put off simply because there is a lack of an official license. If you miss this title, then it is a great shame. You will miss an undoubted classic.
International Superstar Soccer ’98 (ISS-98) is probably the best soccer game I’ve ever played. It may be ’06, but this is better than any other next gen soccer game. Here is my review.Graphics: 8/10. Really good graphics for the N64; but the colors are pretty bright, though. The fouls look good when a player gets hit, and the animations are good. And obviously, no loading times.Sound: 7/10. A decent announcer with a bit of an annoying english accent does the commentary. He does it better than some sports games that came out on the N64, but he doesn’t say much and only has a few lines. There is very little other sound in this game.Control: 8/10. A to pass, B to shoot, Left C to slide. That’s all you need to know. The only problem for me is that I tend to get the pass and shoot buttons messed up, but these are really simple to learn controls.Fun: 8/10. With a friend, this is probably the most fun you will have with a soccer game. Without one, that’s another story. The A.I. on single player seems to run a lot faster than you making it nearly impossible to get a good shot on the goalie. On multiplayer, this isn’t so, which makes multiplayer the best thing about this game. Go to your local EB Games and see if this game is available.7.8/10