Final Fantasy XIII-2 Playstation 3 Game tested and guaranteed to work.
Product Details
Playstation 3
NTSC (N. America)
———This game is fully cleaned, tested & working. Includes the Disc/Cartridge Only. May have some minor scratches/scuffs.This description was last updated on October 28th, 2020.
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Ignoring the fact that Serah is the most annoying main character, the battle system for this game is awesome. I love the paradigm system, and I especially like the improvements they made in this game: it’s no longer game over if your party leader is K.O.’d! There’s a ton of fun add-on content for this game as well (which is totally optional to purchase and not necessary for beating the game, but fun to play none the less). Don’t waste your money on the garb. It does nothing for the characters or game play. I also love that you can capture, train, and enhance monsters in this one. It takes me back to the days of Monster Rancher. I think if you like the Pokemon franchise, you’ll probably be into this feature as well. The only thing I would say is that some of the alternate ending bosses are made way too tough. I’m currently stuck on battling Caius with just Serah and the monsters. Even maxed out, her HP is not high enough to survive his barrage of attacks. I’m going to have to figure out an alternative strategy. Aside from that, it’s a fun game.
After hearing from pretty much everyone that this was better than 13, I decided to pick it up and try it myself.As everyone said, the game is much better than 13, the only thing 13 had that was better imo was that it was longer. 13-2 felt short, very short compared to 13. Other than that this game improves in pretty much every flaw 13 had.
I havent been this entertained and addicted to a game in awhile. The last game I spend over 100hours in one month with was PixelJunk Monsters
If you enjoyed the first game (FF XIII), you’ll love this one. It is a great improvement over the first game. If you didn’t like the first one, I doubt you’ll like this one.
Love the game brought back some many memories playing this game.
Good game
With this It is clear that a second part can be better than the original game.It’s fun and it’s mechanics are addictive. Being able to tame monsters and use them as part of your strategy to beat bosses? This is new and I totally like it. You’ve more things to do, the maps are wide open and it is not SO narrow and lineal.For example when you start the game you have just one way to go, right to the front but later you need to return to this location to find hidden monsters or hidden items and that is cool.I just dislike something, the MOGGLE. I want to find a hidden button in the ps3 control and make the moggle to SHUT UP.
I love ALL the Final Fantasy games.. FFI was the first RPG I ever purchased (takes you back, huh?) and I’ve played every one since.. It’s funny but the ones most of my family and friends like, I didn’t care for that much though it never stopped me from playing them over many times.. I love the ones that really had great relationships between the characters, like FF10 and FF10-2 and this one, FF13-2.. I love the friendship and rapport between Serah and Noel, while FF13 left a lot to be desired in that category until close to the end..Still, I can’t say a bad thing about any of the games, well, with the exception of FF12.. While the graphics were, as always, superb, the story pretty much sucked and the final boss was the easiest that I can remember in any FF game.. This was also the first one that introduced wild chocobos and I still don’t like having to ‘kill’ these once sacrosanct beasties.. It seems almost sacrilegious to have to kill such an iconic creature, what next, hunting down Moogles and killing them? I don’t know what Square Enix was thinking..Anyway, I was surprised, to say the least, by the ‘to be continued’ at the end of the storyline with this game and can’t say I liked it very much.. The games take so long to come out as it is, now it will be another long wait and who knows when it will end.. Square, do try to remember some of your gamers are getting older and we’d like to see the ending to FF13 BEFORE we go to that big gaming arcade in the sky.. Thanks!
Played this right after I beat FF XIII. I did enjoy the mechanics of it, but I found myself missing the option of other characters. Again, it’s kinda linear but does offer more options than the previous game. Overall I enjoyed it.
Good gameplay, music and story.Abilities are your typical final fantasy combat and magic spells. As for weapons they didn’t make any specific changes in their designs but only color swaps they give you to play.There are only two party members prier from their last release (Sarah & Noel) which is a big disappointment. When characters such as a older Hope ,Snow or even Sarah’s friends could have helped during certain one time only battles and could have actually filled in an important character role that would have livened up most of the adventure. Overall i do recall having fun with this series so give it a try.