The game is fully tested & guaranteed to work. It’s the cartridge / disc only unless otherwise specified.
Conflict Zone Modern War Strategy Sony Playstation 2 Game
Genre:Action & Adventure
Platform:Playstation 2
Region:NTSC (N. America)
———This game is fully cleaned, tested & working. Includes the Disc/Cartridge Only. May have some minor scratches/scuffs.This description was last updated on October 28th, 2020.
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This game is exactly like the Westwood famous Command and Conquer series and can be likened to the Playstation games, retaliation and Command & Conquer except with better graphics. The tanks are good graphics, while the people look like little tips of twigs. The buildings appear exactly like C&C Generals and it reminds me alot about it. The Commanders mouths do keep talking after the voice stops but its not bad. The plotline is good enough and it certainly is a great game to entertain you until the new games you have been waiting for come out.
Arrived within expected time, Well packaged, and worked quite well. Thank you.
The graphics are a little off but its the best strategy game I’ve played in years, thats why I rated it five stars!!!
Plan on spending alot of time to learn how to play this.
this is a great can play as a general of peace keepers(ICP) or as a general of an evil organization seeking for power(Ghosts). it take a litle bit to get hold of the controls though and it kinda confusing at the begining, but as you get further in the game it gets much easier since you get all kinds of other generals to help you (first you have to rescue some of them from enemy jails though).get more popularity by sendind civilian chopers to the viliges to either rescue them or recruit them as your spy-solgers so you can upgrade your your own bases as you like or have your generals build and protect them themselves while you taking care of enemy troops and bases. do commando-rescue missions , base distraction missions or simply try to protect your own base for 45 minutes from massive ambush.i’m telling you, when you’ll get a hang of the controls you’ll love this game.
It arrived on time, it was packaged perfect for the product, it was in great shape and we enjoy it.
This game is my best PS2 game. I love military games. I orderd it the very day it was released. And I have played it for ten days.There are 17 missions with two campaigns. The two campaigns let you play as either the ICP or the bad guys GHOST. You get to use a wide range of weapons such as tanks, fighters,bomber,paratroopers, mobile artillery, anti-tank helicopters and much, much more! Choose from five climates to play in and with about 20 differet maps!But be careful not to kill innocents.Every unit (but one time use units) has a human like learning abilities. Defend your base with Anti-Aircraft, Artillery, and machine gun bunkers! If your want to, you can order commanders to attack or defend anything!Grapics: 10/10 Great detail!Sound: 10/10 Very real!Gameplay:10/10 There is a little guide on the screen that you can turn on or off.But be warned, this game may take a long time to play. You needto be ready to sit down and play from five minutes to four hours.The only time it takes four hours is in the Skirmish mode (just an arcade mode).Hint: defend your base enough to block any force of foes, then build a huge army of tanks and ani-aircraft and attack. With a huge army I rarely lose.